Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

SFChron: Bill on the front page AGAIN

Today's SF Chronicle has an article about bromances in tv/movies, and of course Kirk and Spock top the list as the archetypes. I laughed out loud when I picked up the paper this morning and saw this picture of Bill and Leonard at the top of the front page (strangely, the print version is in color). I swear, since the movie came out I've seen more pictures of Bill as Kirk than I have of Chris Pine.

I love you Peter Hartlaub!
True bromance means never having to say "See you after my honeymoon is over." Spock and Kirk's relationship lasted for 78 television show episodes and eight movies. And you never saw either one spend more than 44 minutes with a girlfriend. They seemed to take so much pleasure in each other's company that no woman could substitute. While bromance wannabe Han Solo didn't even have a conversation with Chewbacca before he abandoned their bachelor's paradise for Princess Leia, Kirk and Spock were committed to growing old together, without interference or distraction.

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