Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Look. At. His. BUTT.

Courtesy of the ever-lovin' zainin666 over at more_shatner. Happy sigh.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My theory

I figured he got the black eye from the much bigger man he stole the suit from.

But I was wrong.

Read the article and listen to/watch the interviews. (Lene was practically beside herself seeing him do a Shatner Swallow(tm) in Real Life.)

Wet suit! Chest hair!

Ours is not to reason why; ours is but to drool and sigh.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Bill: The #1 Reason to Love Fan Expo

Bill Shatner doesn’t need our affirmation. Scientists have proven that, at any given second, Captain Kirk is doing something at least 6.7 per cent cooler than what you’re doing. Remember when Ben Folds produced Shatner’s second spoken-word album, Has Been, and people laughed (recalling, rightfully, his absurd parodic version of “Mr. Tambourine Man”) — but then it turned out to be, like, really kind of good? Or, remember the unmitigated genius in his interpretation of Sarah Palin’s language-mangling during the 2008 elections? Or his slew of post-slump roles that reinvented him as television’s coolest ironic self-aware dad? Never mind meeting him: writing this, we increasingly wish that we were William Shatner.


"Check your data, Mr. Spock! A mere 6.7% is unacceptable. Kirk out."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Can Haz Enterprize?

I don't know who's making these cat trees but they're awesome. Here's one of Terok Nor.

McCoy will keep you warm at night

Part of a collection of Trek quilts made by The Alligator Bride over on Etsy. Extra props for basing them on the Animated Series!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Captain Kirk Watches Out For Danger

Ganked from Vibrant Oxymoron:
Captain Kirk guards the door to my room. Using advanced technology, he and Spock devised a way to shrink him to the size of a doorknob and make him two-dimensional. Posted behind the doorknob and disguised as paper, he is ready to report danger to me at any time.

T'Laina, you're a genius. I guess this is an Extremely Visible Doorknob (EVD).

Friday, August 12, 2011

Hipster Star Trek blog

It's here. Just a sample:

There isn't a Kirk template yet. This is because Kirk could never be a hipster, not in this universe, the Mirror Universe, or any other universe. I dare the world to make a Hipster Kirk joke that's actually funny. (Hipster Spock, now that's another story.)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Star Trek Book of Opposites

Via Neatorama:

 What better way of teaching future Starfleet officers the strange new worlds of opposites than by using illustrations from the greatest sci-fi show ever? David Borgenicht went where no man has gone before with his book: The  Star Trek Book of Opposites, published by Quirk Books.

NeatoBambino has a peek inside: Link

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Show #147 - Aug 10

Episode 147 on MP3

Bill at Comic-Con!
Google+ Plus Bill
Lene reviews The Captains
Fan mail!!
Bill should be King of Canada (he said so himself)
10 Best Trek Moments

Your typical Google+ user.

Bill Talks! And Shills!

And he's sooooooo cute!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Trekkies to Have Our Own Theme Park

Finally! Too bad we can't afford to go to Jordan.

"The resort will include hotels, theatres, dining and shopping. The entertainment will be themed around the idea of Jordan as "a crossroads of civilisations', Ms Ayoubi said.
The Star Trek-themed 'space-flight adventure' will be created under licence from CBS Consumer Products, which manages the licensing of television shows including the CSI series."

More info here! Beam us up!

O Canada! Cheer up. Bill is on the way.

Bill is touring various Canadian cities in "How Time Flies: An Evening With William Shatner." He's going to sing songs from his new album!!!

Click here for the schedule. Tickets go on sale August 12 at Tickets will be available at Ticketmaster or charge by phone 1-855-985-5000.

We expect details reports from each and every one of you!

Friday, August 05, 2011

Yeah, right

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Star Trek

They wrote open-mouth kisses into the script! And they had to FORCE Bill to do them.

Other notes:

#3 kinda squicks me.

Fun comments, "analyzing" Spock's sex appeal. Capt. Snarky: "Now I've got an image in my head of Mr. Spock in a leather jacket sitting on a Harley Davidson while smoking an unfiltered cigarette."

QUICK CUT to fan art that I believe is now in Lene's possession.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Star Trek Live in Seattle & Portland!

Reblogged from the Wondermark blog:
"Over the weekend I was in Seattle, and when I mentioned that startling fact on Twitter I received an invitation from @pdunwin to attend “Outdoor Trek,” a live “Shakespeare in the Park”-style performance of Star Trek by the theater company Hello Earth.

It was great! It’s playing one more time, this coming weekend on both Saturday and Sunday, and it’s totally free to attend. I’m only marginally a Star Trek fan myself, but it was a really, really fun show put on by folks who’re clearly having a blast doing it. Live music, hula-hoop-heavy transporter effects, and the judicious use of Silly String just add to the experience. More info here!

Hello Earth took the idea from the Portland group Atomic Arts, who’ve apparently been doing “Trek in the Park” for several years, and who will be doing their own show (the episode “Mirror, Mirror”) one last time for the season on August 27. More info on the Portland show here."
Dang! We need it in SF and Chicago! If you go please tell us about it!