Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk

Friday, September 17, 2010

Bill, Craig Ferguson, a shiny suit and...

Cigars as a metaphor. In other words, they're just like sex.

And a Danny Kaye reference!

Part 2: How to eat cheese & crackers, why Bill talks! like! THIS!, seat swapping and FOOTSIE!

And Bill & Craig exchange tips on comedy and acting.


Diana Hunt said...

Oh god, I wish I was Craig Ferguson's left leg...

Diana Hunt said...

And who is this Sloane Crosley person and why is she taking valuable screen time away from Bill? XD

Iddy said...

I think he's funnier on Craig's show than Conan's--which is a HUGE feat!

Craig stating Bill is 'stable' profoundly tells me Craig is not :) Which is exactly why we love them both.

Never seen that Geoff talking head thing before. Was it speaking with Takei's voice? No wonder Bill said he couldn't stand it. Ha!

Marz said...

Bill doesn't just walk around the table; he climbs over the table

like he hops onto the rail

like he pops his cheese and crackers.

It's all sex.