Liberace and time travel!
Remastered Squire of Gothos live blogging
Q-Squared by Peter David - we need a book report!
Jon Carroll's column about a piece by Ursula LeGuin, Return of the Genre Zombie (a pdf)
We discuss what "science fiction" is, and time travel
And a bit of smut to end the show

Spockabeth and his talking horse

Bill seduces the camera (again)
You KNOW this is my favorite! In fact, it's the inspiration for a smutty story I'm writing now ~Lol. Love live Inspiration!!
Listening to your Squire of Gothos segment right now.
The clothing of the upper classes used to button in the back because servants did the buttoning. :)
Ok - I commented on the pic before I listened to the 'cast. Yes, Francine certainly summed up Bill's talent in front of the camera ~lol! She's my hero for descriptive language. Good show, but please, never use my fic for Drek Trek, laugh in private only!
Kitty & Lene,
Thank you. I wet my pants on that one. Very, very funny!
"Ishmael" by Brabara Hambly is another good time travel novel...
I have a question about the Squire Of Gothos-Segment. What do you mean by "Spock wasn't too annoying. He coul've easily be annoying."
Do you usually find Spock annoying, maybe because of his (boring?) technobabble?
I just ask because I find this very unusual. Most people love Spock, and many of them find rather Kirk annoying.
I would be very interested in that.
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