Boston Legal catch-up and more!
Boston Legal - 5 episodes in 90 minutes
Boston Legal fan promo - Why was the finale pre-empted?
Phyllis Diller, Bernadette Peters, Chuck McCann, Barack Obama, and the Stanley Cup
JTK conceived at Murphy's in Riverside, Iowa!
George Takei tells a funny story about Bill
Shatner weekend by proxy - shorts, chairs, and videos at Shatner Vision
Wil Wheaton says it's a good year to be a Trekker and reviews TNG Haven at TVSquad
Fan Club news - Bill's autobiography, Me So
June 1 - Bill on the Henry Rollins Show
Bill writes a TOS outline: Web of Death
And a visit from Marjorie!

Denny Crane.
HEROES: Best show on TV.
Okay, Iddy here,owner of "the shorts"--answers to your questions posed: No name written in them nor any markings,totally hand tailored and lined in luxurious satiny stuff (extremely sexy feel to bare skin ;-)) fake fly stitched through both cotton and satin layers. Excellent craftmanship but mostly--Smells REALLY nice ~LOL
SATIN? Oh, I'm dying here...
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