"Happy birthday to me!"
And it's the first day of Shatmoy.
From Entertainment Weekly (who as we all know has a serious mancrush on WS):
William Shatner turns 79 today. I pause to celebrate him because I still have the 2008 Boston Legal series finale saved on my DVR, because I love that he signs his tweets “My best, Bill” (as in, “#youknowyoureoldwhen Young girls help you with your luggage because the carousel is too fast. My best, Bill”), because he always embraces who we want him to be (hello, new sci-fi social network myouterspace.com), and because he’s still working (a new album, the S— My Dad Says pilot).So tell us. Why do you love Bill?
He's fun and he knows it. Oh yes, he knows...
I love Bill because he makes me laugh! And that body is pretty sweet too . . .
To put it simply:
I love Bill because Bill loves Bill!
i love Bill because he's from my province and because he's funny, entertaining and he's uber charming XD
Sure, it's a mancrush. I love Shatner because he doesn't seem to take himself seriously. Despite what many people think, he is a great actor with enough charisma to power an armada. Happy birthday, Bill!
I love Bill because he lives at 110%; that and just how mind-numbingly sexy he is.
'Cause he's IN LOVE with the mountain!
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