Onward! Show 12!
A consumer report on the Nitro razor from our Special Correspondent, Deep Shave!
Bill Shatner answers Five Questions in the Daily News
Shatner and Tea? WTF?
We watch Balance of Terror and discuss the amazing phenomenon of Kirklight
And - Uhura's panties!
Bascon 2005 - we'll be there
Creation Con 2006 - we'll be there too
The Science Fiction Podcast Network forums - go there!
Curt's Star Trek Film Restoration Project

I cannot think of an appropriate caption for this photo. Words fail me. Click for a larger (ahem) version.
Quite the photo, indeed.
Found your site on the blogger main page - I appreciate it as the daughter of a hardcore trekkie - What a riot!
There has, to be, SOME, BETTER, WAY!
Seriously though, I like Sean Luke Picard as the better captain.
"Now hold on a second...I am the coolest man on earth"
This blog is so cool, I love it, so funny!!!!!
This place is incredible! I laughed so hard...I love it. Just the title was enough!
Saw Shatner at the Grand Slam Convention in Pasadena. He was so suave that I suddenly *got* Capt. Kirk. Now I get all giggly girly over the original Star Trek...and his butt is not bad for a guy that age.
Captain, you better set that phaser to stun or you're really gonna hurt someone!
Anyone else out there exited about Serenity?
Love the yummy site,
Daphne Ruth Jenkins
Hey, cool! Tight pants! Yay!
I believe on this planet, we call that a "camel toe."
as a caption how about :
"ok people. I don't want everyone to start acting crazy, but what I'm goign to do for you is turn around and show you my butt."
a little long but ... maybe?
So that's where he stores his socks!
Hate to be offensive, but that looks more like a camel toe than a trouser snake.
such a sexy Jew!
That CAN'T be comfortable.
Never knew he had such a great butt... and his butt front isn't too bad either!!!!
The flipped-up collar really did it. The first thing I thought of was Elvis singing hunk of burning love. All he needs is a giant silver belt buckle...
My OH My! Look at Shatner's fly! Bo wonder he grins so much.
Hi! I really love your podcast.
I'm not such as big fan of William Shatner as you are (wouldn't manage if I tried, I guess), but I've always been a big fan of TOS and everything about it.
Just listening to this episode, because I believe in listening to podcasts in the correct order ;), so it'll take me a while to get to 2007.
Some years ago I probably wouldn't have liked your podcast much, cause I used to take Star Trek a lot more serious at that time. Fortunately now I can listen to criticism and even agree (if it is deserved).
I'm a big Enterprise fan as well, not TNG, DSN or VOY. Those are watchable, but not great imho.
Carry on!
nI'taQ (from Germany)
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