Another special Bascon edition!
Click to hear William Shatner proposition you
An in-depth look at "Secrets of a Married Man", a terrible movie starring William Shatner
Why would you wear Spanx?
We mercilessly mock a terrible piece of fanfiction (icky smut warning!)
An interview with the one and only Jonk, author extraordinaire (and a shout to Tjonsey's "Twenty Questions") and writer of "Prelude in C# Minor"
David Gerrold is gay?
And Jonk reads a little bit of her wonderful story, "Party Pooper"
Up for JK's "Golden Boy"?


Nice chest hair, but the toupee looks like earmuffs gone horribly wrong

Look at his butt - and the VPL (visible panty line)
Ladies - loving your work. But why doesn't iTunes update for you anymore?
Because, Paul, I don't code well when I have a cold. It's fixed and iTunes has updated.
Thanks for calling this to my attention!
See, now I feel like a git, harassing the infirmed. It only stemmed from the fact that I let iTunes update me cause I am dead lazy!
Anyway, it as great hearing the latest eps. You have me getting funny looks the tube when I keep laughing out loud. I'm not really an active Trek fan, as in 'doing' fandom. So your casts let me learn and explore what's out there
(And allow me regular exposure to that fucking awful White Komanche (SP) music - dum dum dum dum).
Love Paulie
The link to "Prelude in C# Minor" is wrong.
(Ah, wish I could've talked to jonk about her great S/Mc...)
Link fixed. Sorry. See above for self-serving excuse.
hey last night on Twilight Zone it was the "Terror at 20,000'" episode starring Wiliam Shatner as the guy with the worst window seat in the history of aviation gremlims!
Hey Mongo -
LOL! I'm going to use that the next time the Man in My Life bitches about flying.
You think maybe the chest hair is fake too???
please stop mentioning stories - i'm not getting anything done! there's 9 windows open on my computer now & I"m only halfway thru this podcast.
seriously - this is wonderful
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