We continue the Shatmoy celebration with a review of Bill in For the People, 1965
Read more about it here, at Johnny LaRue's Crane Shot!
We discover the Shatner Snort

This has nothing to do with Shatmoy; I just thought it was funny.
The podcast where LT and JK, two geek babes, talk about Star Trek, science fiction, books, TV, the Internet, sex toys, and William Shatner's butt.
William Shatner turns 79 today. I pause to celebrate him because I still have the 2008 Boston Legal series finale saved on my DVR, because I love that he signs his tweets “My best, Bill” (as in, “#youknowyoureoldwhen Young girls help you with your luggage because the carousel is too fast. My best, Bill”), because he always embraces who we want him to be (hello, new sci-fi social network myouterspace.com), and because he’s still working (a new album, the S— My Dad Says pilot).So tell us. Why do you love Bill?
Bill was a surprise phone-in guest late last night on the Christian O'Connell Breakfast Show, "Who's Calling Christian?" contest. To listen to Bill's phone call, click here.
The show airs on Absolute Radio (UK), click here. The winning celebrity of the "Who's Calling Christian? contest will win £10,000 for their favorite charity; the station will narrow the contest down to the top five finalists next week, with the winner to be announced on Wednesday, March 24, 2010.
Paisley has been buddy-buddy with William Shatner ever since Shatner made a guest appearance in Brad’s “Celebrity” music video. In fact, he helped write a song for Has Been, Shatner’s acclaimed album of prose-poems set to music. So when Shatner came to the Nashville Film Festival last year to introduce William Shatner’s Gonzo Ballet, a well-received documentary inspired by Has Been, Brad invited him to spend some time over at the Paisley family farm. “And I’ll tell you one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen,” Paisley says. “I came home from the recording studio, and [Shatner] was already over at the house, playing with my two-year-old son in the basement — with light sabers. I walked in to see my son and Capt. Kirk, dueling with light sabers. I looked over at my wife, and asked: ‘What the hell kind of bizarre universe have I just walked into here?’”
William Shatner, best known as Star Trek's Captain Kirk, will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2010 Banff World Television Festival. After more than 5 decades in the business, Shatner has continually leveraged his fame to build enduring properties as a director, producer, author, recording artist, screenwriter and spokesperson.
A brand unto himself, Shatner’s next project is the recently announced Sh*t My Dad Says, based on the popular Twitter account that’s infamous for quotes like "A parent's only as good as their dumbest kid. If one wins a Nobel Prize but the other gets robbed by a hooker, you failed."
Register now to hear from William as he shares thoughts and lessons from his career in an interview open to all Banff World Television Festival delegates.
Known around the world as the creator of The Office and Extras, as well as a renowned comedian and actor, Ricky Gervais has been selected as the winner of this year's Sir Peter Ustinov Comedy Award.
"This is probably the greatest honour of my career. Only the Nobel Peace Prize can top this, but I will only accept that in person if the ceremony is held somewhere as beautiful as Banff. I think they Fedex luckily," said Gervais.
In addition to accepting the prestigious award, Gervais will share his reflections on his career and achievements in an interview open to Banff World Television Festival attendees.
Welcome Citizens of the Myouterspace United Planets.
The Counsel is now interviewing Industry Credited Producers for Starship Captain Positions.
Starship Captains’ and Officers’ responsibilities will be creating an original entertainment project, whether it be a live action film, animation, or stage production; and recruiting talent from the various Planets to become Starship Crew Members, who will be working alongside the Captain on his/her project.
The Starship Crew, under the Captain’s leadership, must prepare a fully developed presentation of the Ship’s project, complete with Art, Graphic Design, Characters, Story, Director and Music. The Captain will become Executive Producer, Officers will be Co-Producers, and the Crew will work on the project as Associate Producers.
Creative Talent, be sure to register on the planet that hosts your specialty, and you may be selected by a Captain to join his/her Starship Crew.
Visitors won't be able to participate on a Starship unless they become a citizen of a United Planet. I will be monitoring all Starship projects, and reviewing each Captain's Log, where progress will be recorded each step of the way.
The Captains will seek out new talent on the various Planets and build a winning team.
There are six Starships ready to crew-up and develop a dynamic entertainment production, so register now, participate and keep your eyes to the stars,
William Shatner
On February 28, 2010 former Star Trek star William Shatner made an appearance at the 2010 Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony. Shatner used his camera time to tell the audience how great a country Canada truly is, citing their "magnificent lakes" and "stunning sunsets" as reasons why the country demands so much appreciation. He also took a moment to give a shout out of pride to his hometown of Montreal. Shatner then introduced humor into his mix by reminding everyone that Canadian's are special because, "we are a people that know how to make love in the canoe" which, he added, is why Canada's health care system "covers splinters". Shatner also commended on the beauty of the country's Rocky Mountains and glaciers, and noted that minus thirty degree temperatures are "just another sign of global warming" . Shatner also linked Canada to Star Trek, calling the host country the "final frontier".