The podcast where LT and JK, two geek babes, talk about Star Trek, science fiction, books, TV, the Internet, sex toys, and William Shatner's butt.
Captain Kirk

Saturday, December 08, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Show #166 - Nov 23

Two True Freaks - Court Martial and Measure of a Man
We watch Wrath of Khan - with the Director's Commentary!
Presents! Lene got Star Trek cookie cutters (from Think Geek) and Kitty got the Galaxy Quest graphic novel!
Sex toys! The Succu-Dry (courtesy of Regretsy) and the Fleshlight Freaks line of really icky products
The Etsy segment!
- Dress your dog like Captain Kirk!
- Star Trek vintage lampshade - NOT ACTUALLY VINTAGE OR STAR TREK
- Trouble with Tribbles mosaic print
- Beam Me Up Jesus!
We watch a REALLY BAD ep of The Virginian, "Black Jade"

Thursday, November 08, 2012
Monday, November 05, 2012
Show #165 - November 5

What is Shatoetry? (We know what it is now!)
We watched The Paradise Syndrome
Some great stuff about Nichelle Nichols!
Bill was at Destination Star Trek London
Bill appears in a new Brian Evans music video!
Poetry for us!!!
JK's Kirk haikus
The K/S Squi_q Fest poems
You Are The Air Freshener of My Soul by Wildcat
Sunday, October 21, 2012
MIDWEST TOUR SHOW! Complete Works of William Shatner!

Our report on our trip to see the Complete Works of William Shatner (Abridged)
And our interview with the cast!
Go see it if you can - Oct 26 and 27 at the Bryant Lake Bowl in Minneapolis!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Show #164 - October 16

Midwest tour! Happening SOON!
Argo and the Trek connection
Bill now writes for the WSJ
Trek jammies
Spock hoodie
Laura's birthday card!
Bill's iPhone app??
What's happening at Bill's office?
Bill and Barbara Woodhouse
Bill on Howard Stern from 1994
The Etsy segment!
- Beautiful retro Trek posters!
- Kirk on a Tiny TV!
- Kirk as a rabbit!
- Cap'n Kirk and his Evil Doppelganger!
- Shatner, the Chapbook - POETRY!
Fabulous Retro Trek print from Etsy!
From the Etsy segment of this week's show - we loved this print so much that we wanted to show you! Only $40! Isn't it beautiful?

Friday, October 12, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Jazzy Star Trek Theme!
Found this gem while looking for another piece of music - a great jazz version of the classic TOS theme as interpreted by John Stetch!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Show #163 - September 30

Complete Works of William Shatner (Abridged) in Minneapolis!
Fan Mail!
The Lockwood Story, yet again
Crossover with the Two True Freaks podcast?
Go look at the joke (on Facebook!)
Follow Robert Burnett on Twitter! - He had a great rant about the new Trek movie title
Bill will make a documentary about Xena fandom! (via
Canadica takes on Bill
The news about BBS etc.
The Etsy segment!
- Deco Trek/Kirk poster
- Pencils with Trek comics on them!
- Fightin' Sehlats patch
- Transformed Man print (we can't figure it out)
- Shatner dollhouse book - WHY?

He's angry cos he has no legs (and cos he looks nothing like Bill)
Friday, September 28, 2012
You Never Need One
Via - Star Trek Pick-Up Lines:

No, Jim, you never did, and you never will.

No, Jim, you never did, and you never will.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Show #162 - Sept 9

Our review of Redshirts
Papercraft USS Enterprise
Bill as a traffic reporter
SF stars we'd like to see on current shows
Bill should MC the DNC
The Experience Project: Use William Shatner in a sentence
Star Trek bra!
Insane old Star Trek coloring books
Paperwall - Kirk in thought image
William Shatner Wednesday on Pinterest
Kirk FatHead on your wall
Etsy segment:
- "Shatner" as "Kirk"
- Star Trek pasties
- TOS crew as Reservoir Dogs cast
- I hate Mondays mug
- Kirk eyeless poster
- Star Trek knitted sweater SO CUTE
Kirk Your Enthusiasm

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Show #161 - August 22

Priceline Negotiator is back!
Urban Dictionary has a lot of Shatner!
Kevin Smith's SMODcast with Roger Corman and Bill!
More Trek Crap
Top 10 Star Trek fights!
The Etsy segment on sex toys!
10 Must-See Star Trek episodes!
Sunday in the Park with Spock!
Go and read Redshirts! We'll be talking about it soon!

Oh heck, they're both ridiculous.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Show #160 - July 28

Get ready for Get a Life!
Why didn't Bill carry the Olympic torch?
Get a Life on ePix (and you can get a free trial here!)
Any Trekkers going to Chicago Comic-con? Let us know!
What a surprise: the villain in the new Trek movie is Mitchell
What would Bill put on his gravestone?
Celebrities you should follow on Twitter
Spock is Not Impressed
Bill and a piggy for Dial Direct!
Kirk Your Enthusiasm
"Shatner" reads 50 Shades of Gray: What would you want Bill to read?
Lego Trek props
Redshirts: a Novel

Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Friday, July 06, 2012
Show #159 - July 6

More internety things!
Have I Got News for You - repercussions and Bill's "apology"
(And here you can watch the extended versions of it here, here, and here)
How It Should Have Ended - the Star Trek movie
Star Trek coasters!
The Complete Works of William Shatner - Abridged
Star Trek FAQ
Pirate Therapy and Other Cures
Bill in the Paramount Pictures 100 photo
Things you find on Etsy when you search for Bill, including My Little Pony, the Enterprise model made out of wood
And the Star Trek Butt Plug post on Regretsy
Bill's new film, "Get a Life"
Some info about a third version of Wrath of Khan
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Show #158 - June 12

All internet, all the time!
Regretsy does Trek
Duelling Nimoys in Trek V?
Galileo on blocks
William Shatner, real life thief
Rookie Blue - NY Post review
More Shatner pictures posted by Zain
Redshirts card game
Kirk and Picard go into space
Trek references in Mad Men and Sherlock
Grant Imahara as Sulu in a Trek fan movie - Star Trek Continues
Bill will be back in Chicago Jan 2013
Monday, June 11, 2012
Support a Shatner Fan!
Our good friend and frequent attendee at Shatfest Mike McGee has created a trailer for his book, "String of Pearls," which has received great reviews and been recommended for a Hugo! (Yay, Mike!)
Check it out and pass it along!
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Check it out and pass it along!
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Sunday, May 20, 2012
Show #157 - May 20

It took long enough!
Captain Zlog!
Shatner Weekend!
Star Trek Mary Sues
Really bad fanfic with a unique Chekov accent!
The Enterprise in Las Vegas!
How to Kiss a Lady
Bill guest starring on the Canadian show "Rookie Blue"
Shatner movies on Epix?
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Bill! Doesn't! Like! to LOSE!
In remembrance of Dick Clark, here's Bill's losing moment on $20,000 Pyramid, handled with Shatnerian grace and style.
Sorry, can't embed.
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Sorry, can't embed.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Esquire + Bill
In this month's Esquire magazine, Bill talks about being Jewish in Montreal, doing drugs in Amsterdam, success and failure, and missing his dogs and horses.
Read it here.
I think doing his very personal one-man show is making him more comfortable with self-revelation. He doesn't duck questions and turn them into jokes.
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Read it here.
I think doing his very personal one-man show is making him more comfortable with self-revelation. He doesn't duck questions and turn them into jokes.
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Saturday, March 24, 2012
Show #156 - March 24

We review Shatner's World - but no spoilers!
(short version: it was great)
And here's a pretty good review that had more information in it.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Show #155 - March 10

We're going to see Bill in Chicago!
So sad about the death of Davy Jones
Buy the karaoke version of Bill's "Common People" - only $2.99!
Forbes: 5 Leadership Lessons From James T Kirk
What 1970s movies could Bill have been in? Your thoughts?
Davy, you were so adorable when you were high.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Kirk and Chameleon Boy: Trek/Legion #5
There are several things we must point out here. First, just to explain, the Legion and the TOS gang are in a Mirror Universe in the Future, hence the costumes. (I don't know why Kirk isn't wearing command gold, tho.) That's supposed to be Sulu sitting between Uhura and Kirk.
But check out Chameleon Boy vamping behind Kirk:

The last panel is also interesting for Cham's tongue action (done with a smile) and Kirk's quite interested reaction. Is he into shapeshifters, too? What am I saying! He's Kirk! He's into everything!
Source: Star Trek and the Legion of Superheroes #5 from IDW Publishing.
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But check out Chameleon Boy vamping behind Kirk:

That's some costume! (It's what Shadow Lass is wearing - the blue woman in the first panel.) Too bad Kirk looks like a weird cross between McCoy and Movie!Kirk. I think he enjoys wearing skimpy outfits, don't you?The last panel is also interesting for Cham's tongue action (done with a smile) and Kirk's quite interested reaction. Is he into shapeshifters, too? What am I saying! He's Kirk! He's into everything!
Source: Star Trek and the Legion of Superheroes #5 from IDW Publishing.
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Sunday, March 04, 2012
Friday, March 02, 2012
A rose is a rose is a rose is ... IN THE WAY!
From a fantastic set of rare stills at
Thanks to Our Man in New Zealand for the heads-up.
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
You've probably wondering why we aren't posting 12-15 times a day about Bill's show on Broadway.
Well, that's because we're seeing it here in Chicago in 2 weeks and we don't want to know too much in advance.
But Bill! Is! ... EVERY...where.
Even on a stoop. Shtoop. Shtup.
Well, that's because we're seeing it here in Chicago in 2 weeks and we don't want to know too much in advance.
But Bill! Is! ... EVERY...where.
Even on a stoop. Shtoop. Shtup.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Kirk + 6 Legionnaires = Master of His Domain
Remember how we discussed which female Legionnaire Kirk would like the most? Well, forget it, he gets all of them:
Monday, February 13, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Kirk Would Not Allow Dr. Who on His Ship
But Picard would, apparently. Check this out:
A new comic crossover featuring Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who by IDW Publishing, announced for May, to be called "Doctor Who / Star Trek: The Next Generation".
Imagine Kirk when confronted with the Doctor.
Kirk: Have him thrown in the brig. He's clearly a madman. And get that box off my ship.
Doctor: Are you the Captain? Your awesomness levels are off the chart.
Kirk: Belay that order.
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A new comic crossover featuring Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who by IDW Publishing, announced for May, to be called "Doctor Who / Star Trek: The Next Generation".
Imagine Kirk when confronted with the Doctor.
Kirk: Have him thrown in the brig. He's clearly a madman. And get that box off my ship.
Doctor: Are you the Captain? Your awesomness levels are off the chart.
Kirk: Belay that order.
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Thursday, February 09, 2012
Uhura on the Big Screen in Seattle 2/15/12
The wonderful women at Geek Girl Con have made this event! I wish we could go! It will be AWESOME!

Ensign Geek, set your phaser to fun! Join GeekGirlCon at the Central Cinema on Wednesday, February 15 at 7:00 p.m. for three Star Trek episodes featuring our favorite communications officer Lt. Uhura. See Nichelle Nichols groundbreaking role is on the big screen including the episodes “Mirror, Mirror” and “Plato’s Stepchildren.” Also on the bill is “Lorelie Signal” from Star Trek: The Animated Series.
Take this opportunity to introduce you young geeks in you life to the show that started a pop culture and geek culture revolution.
Details and cheat codes:
Date: Wednesday, February 15th
Where: Central Cinema (1411 21st AVE, Seattle)
Time: 7:00 PM
Who: All ages
Cost: $5 (goes toward your food voucher)
TV Dinner at the Central Cinema located in Seattle’s Central District at 21st Avenue and East Union Street. If you’ve never been to a TV Dinner before, here’s how it works: you pay just $5.00 and it gets you a TV Dinner food voucher to secure your seat. Then order up some snacks and cash in your voucher with your waiter against your tab. Easy!
Contact Kelly at with questions or for more information on this event. To find out more about the Central Cinema, visit
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Ensign Geek, set your phaser to fun! Join GeekGirlCon at the Central Cinema on Wednesday, February 15 at 7:00 p.m. for three Star Trek episodes featuring our favorite communications officer Lt. Uhura. See Nichelle Nichols groundbreaking role is on the big screen including the episodes “Mirror, Mirror” and “Plato’s Stepchildren.” Also on the bill is “Lorelie Signal” from Star Trek: The Animated Series.
Take this opportunity to introduce you young geeks in you life to the show that started a pop culture and geek culture revolution.
Details and cheat codes:
Date: Wednesday, February 15th
Where: Central Cinema (1411 21st AVE, Seattle)
Time: 7:00 PM
Who: All ages
Cost: $5 (goes toward your food voucher)
TV Dinner at the Central Cinema located in Seattle’s Central District at 21st Avenue and East Union Street. If you’ve never been to a TV Dinner before, here’s how it works: you pay just $5.00 and it gets you a TV Dinner food voucher to secure your seat. Then order up some snacks and cash in your voucher with your waiter against your tab. Easy!
Contact Kelly at with questions or for more information on this event. To find out more about the Central Cinema, visit
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Show #154 - Feb 7

Presents for Lene!
Bill is touring!
Trek crap: Star Trek mailbox and Keychain
"My William Shatner Xmas Carol"
Crossover Trek stuff (Matt Smith on Graham Norton, Monkees/Trek)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Is Bill Coming to Your Town?
The Butt Girls have 2nd row seats in Chicago on March 16. We will be having a Very! Special! ... SHATMOY!
Tour dates posted here.
IMPORTANT: Check the website of your local venue. Even though it said tickets go on sale Feb. 3, Chicago has an American Express presale. The front row is already sold out. YIKES!
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Tour dates posted here.
IMPORTANT: Check the website of your local venue. Even though it said tickets go on sale Feb. 3, Chicago has an American Express presale. The front row is already sold out. YIKES!
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Sunday, January 22, 2012
Not What You Think
No, it's not an online and strangely stiff captain propositioning an Orion Slave. It's the online Trek version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"!
It's only available outside the U.S. but that's OK because we have PLENTY of LISTENERS All! Around! ... the GLOBE!
You have your orders.
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Saturday, January 21, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The Death of the Negotiator
Priceline is killing off the Negotiator as part of a rebranding. No word on Bill continuing as their spokesperson.
But the commercial is a hoot!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Show #153 - Jan 17

Bill woos an Australian weather girl!
Dueling BAMFs!
Futurama and why we love Zap Brannigan
Weird or What?
Bill in Australia!
Bill on Piers Morgan (looking very good)

Bill Always Welcomes the Chance to "Go Native"
(Not to mention "going native" on Natalie Wood.)
And there's this analysis of such a movie from The Mary Sue:
"I’ll say right now that I would totally watch a badly cut together remake of Avatar that uses color-shifted clips from Star Trek, West Side Story, and The Longest Day, and laugh and laugh. This poster, like those that come after it, cut right to the heart of a cinematic time period and the taste of Hollywood at the time, to point out that if this story had shown up in that era, William Shatner would totally have gotten his way into a blue girl’s pants, and no better blue girl than the one who Hollywood already considered to be an virginal all-American sweetheart capable of passing for an ethnicity she clearly was not."Word.
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Sunday, January 15, 2012
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