Dear William (or Bill) I'm not sure which you prefer, and forgive the formality if you prefer Bill.
I'm having an argument with another poster on a thread[.]
The discussion is about Captain's on away missions. We all know that Kirk lead his away team in almost every episode... but the argument that I'm having in particular is what did Kirk mean when he was talking with Saavik, and Saavik quoted that General Order Number 15 prevented Star Fleet Captains to beam down without an Armed Escort. Was Kirk lying to Saavik when he told her no such order existed? I can't find anything in official canon that describes exactly what the General Orders were. And I can't get CBS/Paramount to respond on this. How did you feel when you were acting this out? Do you think Kirk meant to mislead her? Or was Kirk being honest when he told her "I don't believe there is such a regulation?"
Paul (the board admin) forwarded it to Bill because it's so geeky, he wanted to see what Bill would say.
After much head-scratching...

...many sleepless nights...

...and deep philosophical soul-searching...

...he added it all up...
...and replied:
The answer to your question in simple: Kirk just wanted to get laid.
My best,
WOW . . . And sometimes I think I get too obsessed with something. . . Now I know, I will never be a fan like that - I actually have a life. And you know what, so does Bill.
Somehow, I don't think he sits around thinking about stuff like that. It was just a gig he got a long time ago. Yes, it was good, but he doesn't think about crap like that. Only George would do something like that . . .
Best possible answer I guess ;)
Wonderful layout of pictures to illustrate the
...wait for it...
only possible answer Bill could give?
But, of course!
This is the explanation I always use when Kirk says/does something absurd.
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