Hop on over and read Shatner! The Long. Strange. Never-Boring Journey of a National Treasure (and yes, we know he's Canadian) by Andrew Corsello. You'll be glad you did.
My God, the bracing and embracing enthusiasm that is SHATNER! The music it makes, the staccatos and sforzandi and delirious swings of tempo and motif! Behold, now, Shatner, jamming, deep into a riff about the human palate (though the subject could be anything), the worlds open to it, and the worlds it can open: "For me, for me, you can't go too far pushing for MORE coffee taste. More BURNED. More GROUND. That's for me! This is my QUEST. Andrew, do you understand when I tell you that I QUEST?"
And we fucking LOVE this picture of Bill.
This picture too!!
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