"It is very cold in space." BWAHAHAHA!

The podcast where LT and JK, two geek babes, talk about Star Trek, science fiction, books, TV, the Internet, sex toys, and William Shatner's butt.
Prior to this episode, we’d seen only hints that William Shatner could be a great comic actor. The giveaway moment was the storage compartment scene. I had written in the outline and the script that the tribbles fall on Kirk’s head. I had always assumed that at some point, Shatner would say, ‘This makes my character look too silly,’ and I was prepared to have him step aside just before the tribbles fell. But William Shatner has always been the consummate professional and I believe he was eager to show off his comic abilities as well. The moment when he is up to his neck in tribbles, when he gives Dr. McCoy a very annoyed look, that’s equal to any expression that Oliver Hardy ever gave to Stan Laurel at his most exasperated.
I’ve entered – in grand style -- the comic book world with four separate sci-fi titles of my own: TEK WAR, MAN O’ WAR, QUEST FOR TOMORROW, and CHIMERA. I’m very happy to announce that I will be appearing at the Big Apple Comic Con. I hope you will, too.
My best, Bill
4:00pm EDT / 1:00pm PDT – FX Network East (DirecTV), Starfish TV, ION Life, Retirement Living
4:00pm PDT – FX Network West, Starfish TV, ION Life
1:00am EDT / 10:00pm PDT – FX Network East (DirecTV), Starfish TV, ION Life
3:00am EDT / 12 Midnight PDT – National Geographic
1:00am PDT – FX Network West, Starfish TV, ION Life
San Diego Film Festival: Premieres September 25
Edmonton Film Festival: Shows on September 27
Marbella (Spain) Film Festival: Premieres October 1
Milwaukee Film Festival: Shows on October 3 & 4
Docfest Stratford (Ontario): Shows on October 22
After a moment I said, "You have no religious beliefs...or hopes of an afterlife?"Spoken like Captain Kirk, and like a man who always lives in the moment. I love you even more, Bill.
Bill regarded me soberly for a moment and then he smiled, a wry little half smile. "No. I don't. Emotionally I would like to believe there is a life after death. Intellectually...I cannot accept the idea.
"We send our little daughters to Sunday school. It's important for them to have basic religious training. But as for myself, I have finally come to the conclusion that life is here and now...and nothing more."