Now up for sale at the
Heritage Auction Galleries:
William Shatner's Star Trek TV Series Costume Wig. A brown hairpiece made for him for an unspecified production. Possibly worn by Shatner during the third season of the groundbreaking science fiction series Star Trek, which spawned the mega-successful franchise. Hand-tied and made from human hair, the wig includes the original MGM wig stock record card, reading "Stock No. 1244, Date 6-7-68, Original Player: William Shatner, Description: Brown - 1850" with the added notation: "Rented to F. Phillips - Paramount Studios 6-7-68/6-17-68." Fred Phillips was the make-up department head for the entire Star Trek series from 1966-1969, and he rented the wig for Shatner from MGM Studios (most likely from William Tuttle, who was the make-up department head of MGM). The wig has been restyled for photography, and is in Excellent condition. From The MGM Wig Archive. Estimate: $2,000 - up.
Bidding starts at $1000!
Your LAHB gals wonder if this is really a wig Bill wore on Trek - we always thought that (even in the third season) Bill wore a
piece, and not a
wig that covered his whole head. Maybe it was for something else? We've asked our pals at
Shatner's Toupee for their analysis.
The only time Bill wore an actual wig in Trek was when he did that one shot as his brother Sam in
Operation Annihilate! Are there others? Let's solve this, people!
P.S. from Kitty: Photoshoppers, a challenge! Can you put this believably on Bill's head?
Wrong hair color, it's neither Kirk nor Sam.
Sam screencap
Did he wear a wig when he caught the old disease?
Hmmm -- it looks quite blond, and it's long in the back... Do you think it might not be from Star Trek, but from the White Comanche?
The Shat even admitted to wearing a wig there -- see:
Except the dates don't match up though.
Or do you think maybe the wig was never worn on air by shatner, but was just something they tested out in preparation for ordering new toups for the 3rd season? (ie., testing for colour, style, etc.)
That might explain why the wig is in excellent condition too.
Kirk never wore a wig as far as I can recall, maybe in some scenes but that's it, it's pretty obvious. Sometimes, you'd know there is a double in some actions scenes, but kirk's hair has been real since like forever!
If it was only been tested in the third season, then he didn't actually wore it is it? Whoever buys this stuff will be robbed of their money
Well the title of the entry says wig, but the description refers to it as a hairpiece.
Granted, it does look like wig. On the other hand, I suspect Shatner's baldness was much worse towards the end of the series, so they had to give him a piece that covered more of it, especially in the back. That could explain why his hair was longer and wavier in TOS 3.
Frankly, I think this look would've been better than the one he had in that season.
The colour is wrong for the 3rd season though - it's too light and red; I think he only wore a strawberry blond toup in the 2nd season, and a darker brownish/reddish toup in the 1st.
If you look at the rear-view photo on the auction site, you'll see that the hair is actually much redder than this front-view photo depicts... Could it be a Shatner stunt wig? Or perhaps Shathair for a body double?
Every time I stare at it, I expect someone to shout, "The British are coming! The British are coming!"
Seriously, that is one of his wigs? What? I have a feeling someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. I don't know, it looks very new, very mint, almost too mint. Doesn't human hair not look so good after a while? I'd expect some signs of aging, it is quite old. Hmm . . .
Y'know what is scary, almost a thousand people have viewed it so far and they have 2 phone bids. Scary.
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