And we're fine with it.
Thanks, Sean.
The podcast where LT and JK, two geek babes, talk about Star Trek, science fiction, books, TV, the Internet, sex toys, and William Shatner's butt.
Captain Kirk

Friday, July 30, 2010
For one man, shame has no meaning.
As Bill was shilling for "Shit My Dad Says" (yes, I actually typed it out--Shit. Get over it.)
One critic repeatedly asked about a theory that pornography and the social nature of Star Trek fans "did sort of launch the Internet." Shatner tried to deflect the question but the critic followed up and finally asked, “Do you not in some minor way feel responsible?”
And man oh manischewitz, does he look good!
One critic repeatedly asked about a theory that pornography and the social nature of Star Trek fans "did sort of launch the Internet." Shatner tried to deflect the question but the critic followed up and finally asked, “Do you not in some minor way feel responsible?”
I am responsible. And I'm shouldering it. I'm okay.Eat his static, Al Gore.
And man oh manischewitz, does he look good!

Let me save you some time.
If the question starts with "Who should replace" and ends with a question mark, the answer is William Shatner. VOTE NOW!

Even if you don't know what you're voting for (new judge for American Idol), don't watch American Idol (we don't), don't know what American Idol is (lucky you), and/or don't feel right about voting without knowing who the other candidates are (they aren't Shatner--'nuff said), VOTE NOW!

He's William Shatner. He deserves to be on every celebrity list. Enough said.You can't argue with that.-- Amy Roth
Even if you don't know what you're voting for (new judge for American Idol), don't watch American Idol (we don't), don't know what American Idol is (lucky you), and/or don't feel right about voting without knowing who the other candidates are (they aren't Shatner--'nuff said), VOTE NOW!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Bill Shills and EW Loves It
But a very interesting article.
EW: William Shater talks great $#*! and wiscom at press tour
But a very interesting article.
EW: William Shater talks great $#*! and wiscom at press tour
If Shatner can translate the energy and intelligence he brought to this press conference to $#*! My Dad Says, it’ll be a sitcom worth watching.And then there's this priceless quote from Bill reported by
Twitter? Tweet? I know it isn't a Twat.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Bill massages an octopus.
No, really. What the hell is this from??
Full of wonderful Shacting. "We....grow...up.......too soon."
I like the way he grabs the kid's hand and shoves it in the tank. Massage that octopus, Joey, goddammit!
Full of wonderful Shacting. "We....grow...up.......too soon."
I like the way he grabs the kid's hand and shoves it in the tank. Massage that octopus, Joey, goddammit!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Who's the cutest villain? Oo's the cutest villain. Yes, oo are.
The Khan plushie.

Coming in October! Read all about it at Trekmovie. So far, no one has pointed out that...

Coming in October! Read all about it at Trekmovie. So far, no one has pointed out that...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sulu Pour Homme
I wish I was joking. But you can get it at Comic Con.

What's next? Uhura Pour Femme? Chapel Pour Cases Hopelesse? Chekov Pour Minions? (Previously sold as Essence of Davy)

Genki Wear (Booth #3744): The makers of the popular line of Star Trek fragrances are back with their latest and greatest product yet, Sulu Pour Homme Cologne for men. Sulu is the perfect cologne for the man who does everything, whether that’s cataloging exotic plants, collecting antique firearms, or piloting ancient helicopters and advanced starships. Get there early as they’ll only have 300 bottles on hand in exclusive Comic-Con packaging.
What's next? Uhura Pour Femme? Chapel Pour Cases Hopelesse? Chekov Pour Minions? (Previously sold as Essence of Davy)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
And another media conquered!

"Remember the Christmas party? We danced. Then you got so lit you ending up hanging on the tree."
Available from Amazon.
Brad Paisley's mancrush

From The Star:
William Shatner’s last words on his 2004 album Has Been, “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m real,” come from a song Paisley wrote for him.
So who was more exciting to talk to, the sitting President or the imaginary starship captain? “No offence to Mr. Obama,” Paisley says with a laugh. “I think if the president ever met Bill he would agree. I’ve never run into the likes of him anywhere. Truly a blast to be around, he has more energy than me — and he’s almost 80. ‘You want to ride motorcycles, let's ride motorcycles. You want to jump out of an airplane? I'm free tomorrow.’
“That's just how to live your life, man,” Paisley says.

He probably had an experience that was nothing at all like making love. OK, that was snarky. It's actually a very interesting article.
Posted by tintorera. Read the article and see more pictures!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Bill and Liza Minelli!
Bill is ON.
TJ Hooker in the FUTURE! Dashing, good-looking, masculine, vital...
The question is: Did he do her? I vote yes. There are Significant Looks being exchanged.
TJ Hooker in the FUTURE! Dashing, good-looking, masculine, vital...
The question is: Did he do her? I vote yes. There are Significant Looks being exchanged.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Show #130 - July 18

NEWS - JK is moving to Chicago!
A little more history of us and fandom!
Trek stuff that MIGHT be for sale!
Shatner's WIG?
Lene takes issue with Shatner's Toupee
Oh Fuck Yes: Commercial for the Kansas Lottery
Killing Captain Kirk

Oh, Bill. You look like a dork.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Shatner in Love
Ganked from More_Shatner. No idea who the artist is but this is BRILLIANT. The inclusion of the Gorn is the best thing.

New Priceline commercial!
Bill's so cute. And the "mom" gives him a great look - totally overcome with his charm and hotness. Also starring Brian O'Brian!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Ah, subtext...subtitles...sublime.
Thanks to those wonderful folks at Shatner's Toupee for bringing this poetry to our attention.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Are you an uber-geek?
There's an app for that.

Turn your iPhone into a Star Trek communicator! And it's got Bill's voice! (Note to archivist: Another media conquered.)

Turn your iPhone into a Star Trek communicator! And it's got Bill's voice! (Note to archivist: Another media conquered.)
Another Media Conquered: Other Actors
Show me an actor under the age of 45 who says he wasn't influenced by William Shatner and I'll show you a liar.
The Deadbolt Interview - Sorcerer's Exclusive: Nicolas Cage and Jay Baruchel Talk William Shatner
The Deadbolt Interview - Sorcerer's Exclusive: Nicolas Cage and Jay Baruchel Talk William Shatner
Bill is shocked--SHOCKED!
Government employee is one media that Bill has left unconquered. Or one (and perhaps the only) media that has resisted his conquest.

William Shatner, Governor General. Not.

William Shatner, Governor General. Not.
"They know nothing about people and life in outer space."Well said, Bill.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Shatnerathon blog roundup
So we were going to participate in this, but Kitty is packing and I was having a hell of a week at work, and we missed it. Boo! But LOTS of other people participated in the joy that was Stacia's Shatnerathon, and you should read each and every one of the entries. To make sure you do that, I've assembled all the posts in one long list here. All comments are Stacia's. GO!

- Stacia herself blogs about:
- Andreas at Pussy Goes Grrr! writes about "The Devil's Rain", a movie that I just yesterday said I was kind of afraid to watch after hearing how bad it was. Now that I've read the post at PGG, though, I realize that I've seen pictures and screencaps of this for years. Also, allow me to quote briefly from the post:
"William Shatner does indeed appear in this movie, but alas, like Ida Lupino and John Travolta, he spends most of his time moaning satanic chants and not having any eyes."
I now understand that it is my life's mission to watch this movie as soon as physically possible. - Bryce at Things That Don't Suck accidentally watched "Star Trek: The Motion Picture." Things did not go well, and I think he might have to change the title of his blog to Things That Don't Suck Unless ST:TMP Is Involved.
- Ed at Ed's Omniscient Overview composed a loverly pome for our man Bill.
- Ivan gives us more early television Shatner, this time from "The Naked City". An excerpt of Ivan's post:
Man! Ever have one of those days when you wake up with the hangover to end all hangovers—and then find your wife’s corpse on the floor of your apartment? (Boy, if I had a nickel for…well, this isn’t really about me, is it?)
Huh. Well it is now, Ivan. Just stay there while we alert the authorities I MEAN come over for a game of Pictionary. - Ivan of Thrilling Days of Yesteryear shows off his enormous
schwanzstuckerarchives (he's very popular) with a post about "Thriller" episode "The Hungry Glass", starring William Shatner and several lovely mirrors. - Ivan with another day of excellent early TV Shatness: A "Route 66" guest starring role. Ivan says the Shatnerthon has been "tremendous fun", and I agree! This has been a blast so far.
- Jake at Cine-a-tech gives us a lovely post about the Billster's one true love: Horses. A 'net friend of mine has mentioned seeing William Shatner at a large Midwestern horse show, but until Jeff's post I didn't know he hosted a charity horse show in Hollywood each year. And now you know it, too.
- J.D. at Radiator Heaven with an incredibly good write up of "Free Enterprise," not just a summary but a history, and a screencap of Shatner looking at porn that I just can't stop grinning about. If the movie is half as charming as JD's write up of it is, then it's got to be a modern classic.
- JPK at Can't Explain gives us an excellent review of William Shatner's 2004 album "Has Been." JPK quickly pinpoints the heart of Shatner's current incarnation and its expression on the album. Insightful and highly recommended reading.
- Kris of Kris' Movie Reviews writes an excellent, informative review of William Shatner's short-lived 1965 television series "For the People," a show that was supposed to be Shatner's big break. It didn't quite turn out that way.
- Monty at Hero Worship with a very funny look at "Free Enterprise," with a Caesar rapping porn lovin' William Shatner. Awesome in every way.
- mortmere at LiveJournal combines "Gilda" with a hint of Shatnoy slashiness. This is a post after my own heart. You have got to see that poster manip!
- Movie Bullstuff with a terrific post on "Impulse" and its shared themes with a Hitchcock classic. Also, are there any better last names than Shatner and Hitchcock? I submit to you that there are not.
- The Floating Red Couch gives us his 3rd and final review (thus far!) for a Star Trek original cast film: The Voyage Home. What I love about this film is that any Trekker who hears the title of this film immediately utters these 2 words: Transparent aluminum! The Couch's review wastes no time in this regard, not letting us forget that even though the crew was a bit long in the tooth by this time, dammit people, they were making transparent aluminum. You don't mess with that.
- The Floating Red Couch irreverently dissects "The Wrath of Khan", and the results couldn't be more spot on. And he's right, Scotty didn't get promoted. What the hell is that all about?
- The Floating Red Couch gives us part 2 of his series on Star Trek movies: The Search for Spock. It was in this post that I realized Mr. Couch and I share the same ability to communicate only in "Futurama" quotes. It makes travel to foreign countries a lot easier, as we can both tell you.
- Tony at Cinema Viewfinder discusses the complicated "Star Trek: The Motion Picture", the difficult path it took from conception to reality, and its place in the current canon. And now I know I must see the director's cut of this film.
- Tony at Cinema Viewfinder reviews the "Star Trek: Season 1" Blu-Ray with decidedly fresh observations on a series everyone on the Internet has been discussing since 1966.
- Tony at Cinema Viewfinder with a perceptive look at "The Outrage," the 1964 Hollywood remake of "Rashomon." Tony always has terrific insight into the films he blogs about, and posts like his are even more remarkable when compared to so-called reviews on sites like the IMDb. Most comments about movies William Shatner is in refer to him as "Captain Kirk" or, at best, qualify a film as being "pre-Kirk." There is more to Shatner than Captain Kirk, and maybe posts like Tony's can finally get that notion through to more people. One can hope.
- W.B. Kelso of Scenes from the Morgue has posted several original newspaper ads for "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," and they are all a lot of fun, especially the article about Persis Khambatta. Check it out!
- W.B. Kelso contributes the tarantula-and-Q-tip epic "Kingdom of the Spiders" at 3B Theater: Microbrewed Reviews. I had trouble reading this because AUGH SPIDERS YUCK, but the cap of Shatner with the Q-tip was so worth it. The last time I saw this film was when it was a movie of the week in the 1970s; I was a wee lass and less freaked out by cinematic spiders than I am now, but I am 99.44% sure that this movie is why I grew to be so arachnophobic. To this day I remember the scene where Shatner is covered in tarantulas. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA make it stop make it stop
- You can't get enough W.B. Kelso or "Kingdom of the Spiders," which is why W.B. posted a series of vintage advertisements for the movie. CREEPY vintage advertisements.
- Zachary at The Lightning Bug's Lair posted about "The Kidnapping of the President" before I did! And better, too. Thanks to the wonders of technology, I didn't find out about his post until late Wednesday, so I'm late to the party when it comes to his fine write-up. He also figured out that Shatner was an FBI agent; I confess I couldn't figure out who was Secret Service, who was FBI, and who was CIA. The Lightning Bug's Lair holds a Shatner celebration each March, the month our man Bill was born, and I highly recommend perusing the Shatner tag on LBL.
- Allen Hefner, the Bit Part Blogger gives us a look at bit actors Mark Lenard and Persis Khambatta in ST:TMP.
- In a wonderful video entry, Francesca has given us a unique and fun look at TOS Captain Kirk featuring Walt Whitman's celebration of the male body:
Check out her full entry at l'astronave with notes, as well as her sidebar with links to more of her glorious Star Trek fan videos. - Ivan with two more great entries on early TV Shat: "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." and "12 O'Clock High." I have not seen any of the episodes Ivan has written about, and while I've read all his other entries with gusto, I didn't want to get spoiled for this UNCLE episode: It's the one with Shatner and Nimoy.
- Judy at Costume Drama Reviews (as well as Movie Classics) writes about the 1978 "Little Women" mini series starring Susan Dey, Meredith Baxter-Birney, and William Shatner. An excellent review and some really nice screencaps -- jealousy-inspiring, actually.
- J. Kingston Pierce, editor of the amazing blog The Rap Sheet, has written an absolutely terrific article on "The Barbary Coast," a short-lived 1975 series starring Shatner and Doug McClure. Very highly recommended!
- Margaret at the lovely Smoothable with a delightful entry combining William Shatner and Wendell Berry. Absolutely charming.
- Peteski at This Isn't Happiness is drawing a blank.
- Sci-Fi Fanatic has a truly excellent review of Captain Kirk's Guide To Women by John "Bones" Rodriguez, with a bonus comment from the author himself! Learn how to mack the Captain Kirk way.
- Tracy Dolphin of Wickedlady Collectibles pointed out that one of William Shatner's jackets from "Wrath of Khan" is up for auction at Heritage Auction Galleries. This reminds me that some Star Trek items were also for sale recently at Profiles in History.
- W.B. Kelso with vintage newspaper ads for "The Devil's Rain"! Also, buy one hot dog, get one free.
- W.B. again at Micro Brewed Reviews with a review of the good-twin-evil-twin "White Comanche", starring William Shatner and William Shatner. You must read WB's assessment of Shatner's portrayal of the half-Comanche half-White twin Notah Moon.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
The Bike Story
We've talked about this story many times. They still do it at cons. Look at his butt!
Monday, July 05, 2010
Junior Star Trek!
As recommended by our pal Commodore Mendez at Drunken Trekkies. This is AWESOME! All it is missing is "Check gas" "Gas OK".
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Show #129 - July 4

Extra material from Captain Kirk's Guide to Women - Guess the episode!
Kitty said she would research the quotes but didn't - HOMEWORK FOR YOU ALL
Jonathan Frakes is funny
Fanfiction contest judged by Dorothy Fontana!
Commodore Mendez interview!

This sign was in an empty room. Somehow fitting.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Could This Be Genuine?
Now up for sale at the Heritage Auction Galleries:
Description: William Shatner's Star Trek TV Series Costume Wig. A brown hairpiece made for him for an unspecified production. Possibly worn by Shatner during the third season of the groundbreaking science fiction series Star Trek, which spawned the mega-successful franchise. Hand-tied and made from human hair, the wig includes the original MGM wig stock record card, reading "Stock No. 1244, Date 6-7-68, Original Player: William Shatner, Description: Brown - 1850" with the added notation: "Rented to F. Phillips - Paramount Studios 6-7-68/6-17-68." Fred Phillips was the make-up department head for the entire Star Trek series from 1966-1969, and he rented the wig for Shatner from MGM Studios (most likely from William Tuttle, who was the make-up department head of MGM). The wig has been restyled for photography, and is in Excellent condition. From The MGM Wig Archive. Estimate: $2,000 - up.
Bidding starts at $1000!
Your LAHB gals wonder if this is really a wig Bill wore on Trek - we always thought that (even in the third season) Bill wore a piece, and not a wig that covered his whole head. Maybe it was for something else? We've asked our pals at Shatner's Toupee for their analysis.
The only time Bill wore an actual wig in Trek was when he did that one shot as his brother Sam in Operation Annihilate! Are there others? Let's solve this, people!
P.S. from Kitty: Photoshoppers, a challenge! Can you put this believably on Bill's head?
Bidding starts at $1000!
Your LAHB gals wonder if this is really a wig Bill wore on Trek - we always thought that (even in the third season) Bill wore a piece, and not a wig that covered his whole head. Maybe it was for something else? We've asked our pals at Shatner's Toupee for their analysis.
The only time Bill wore an actual wig in Trek was when he did that one shot as his brother Sam in Operation Annihilate! Are there others? Let's solve this, people!
P.S. from Kitty: Photoshoppers, a challenge! Can you put this believably on Bill's head?
A Fight Club We Can Believe In
From Floobynooby's 51 Conspiracy Theories That Don't Exist But Should:
18. In 1992 Patrick Stewart and William Shatner had a bare-knuckles boxing match in the basement of a sound stage in Hollywood, the result of which Shatner had to die at the end of Star Trek: Generations.AT LAST! OF COURSE! How could it be otherwise?
Thursday, July 01, 2010
OMG Bill Shills for the Kansas Lottery... Musically
This is the YouTube comment: "At WOW Music, we take on all sorts of challenges and turn them into this radio post-score using William Shatner. It came to us, voice only. He ad-libbed. We made it musical."
OMG, you guys. OMG. Bill is a MANIAC.
OMG, you guys. OMG. Bill is a MANIAC.
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