It should be more obvious yet that the casting department knew in an instant whom to speed-dial. In days gone by, when a great actor reached a great age—Laurence Olivier and John Gielgud come to mind here—he would take another go at the great Shakespeare tragedy about the mad king and his three daughters. In 2010, when a casting agent needs a great ham actor in his 70s, there is only one place to go, and $#*! My Dad Says is William Shatner's King Lear. The show's tag line seems to be, "The Shat hits the fan."Oh, Bill.
Wiping the truffled crumbs of one such canapé from my mouth, I asked Shatner how he thought CBS should refer to $#*! My Dad Says on air. Moonves had told me that there was an "ongoing discussion" about whether they'd go with "Stuff My Dad Says" or "Bleep My Dad Says" or "[Bleeeep] My Dad Says," but the star wants to be very specific about the vague noun: "We say spit; why can't we say shit?" said Shat. "Shit is a very natural function of the body. We shouldn't discard it."
PS. Anyone know where I can get a better copy of this image? I screencapped this from the YouTube clip. Look at his eyes!
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