Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk

Monday, September 26, 2005

Sex Trek Toys. Trek Sex Toys? Strex Toys?

Gregory Gray, our man in New Zealand, provides Starfleet-issue devices for the enlisted types. On our minds: What do the officers get? Does the captain get a special one that controls everyone else's so he can give the girls a thrill remotely? Enquiring minds want to know!

Click for the larger image.


Neo said...


I can only imagine you sitting there going through old movies looking to compile the butt clips.

Bill's legacy will be his ass.

That's too funny...

Ryan said...

What do your boyfriends like of your lust for his butt?

Neo said...

The William Shatner butt cult.



It could be like AA Alcoholics meetings.

Everybody stands up to confess their deep needs to see Kirk's rears.

Matt Black said...

a little scary...

Goggles Piasano Ritardo said...

Great twist on the Trek franchise. I am a trekky, uh, trekkie, uh klingon, yeah.

Anonymous said...

Super duper.
Live lontg and Prosper and all that jazz.

Lavinia said...

You girls just rock my socks! Geek girls rule^_^

Carly said...

damn - i'd fugging love to be on the enterprise if they had those toys!
shove it in scotty! shove it in!