Homework! Would Kirk go for the scruffy look if he was young today?
Pharyngula pairings
Some thoughts on last episode's interview
Klingons vs. Furries
Klingons for Jesus
Bill as Santa
The Tantra Chair (as seen on the TNG bridge)
Trek Guest Star DB
Trek fanzine donations?
Corinne Orr!

Not real facial hair
okay i haven't even listened to the ep yet, but the cute young lad in the tantra chair vid looks amazingly like Chris Pine. Damn! He's already trying to follow in Bill's footsteps...grin
William Shatner's Page on TrekSpace has a gret holiday shot of Bill with a Goatee. He looks TOTALLY different.
Di in Australia
Stoic/Epicurean = Kirk/Spock on the washroom doors.
Di in Australia
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