Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Show #284 - December 10

Bill and Kate Mulgrew at GalaxyCon (and the stupid UK article)
Lower Decks news!
J. Michael Straczynski's Trek reboot that never happened
Peter Sloan isn't Peter Shatner
A Wrath of Khan scene that didn't happen
Discovery reviews!
Star Trek: The New Voyages - you should read this book

Please make us a nativity scene with Kirk in the manger!

Lene's actual copy

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Sheri said...

I am very skeptical of the $100 million net worth that was attributed to Bill by that stupid article; most estimates of his net worth tend to be based on the presumed value of the Priceline preferred stock with which he was paid in company's early years. Years ago, though, he said he'd dumped most of that stock when the tech bubble burst and the NASDAQ plummeted, so he didn't benefit from the subsequent increased value. I've never seen a net worth estimate for him that seems sensibly derived or based on actual property holdings.

Anonymous said...

Chick is the father. Ohhh Chick!!!