Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk

Monday, March 28, 2011

Creation Con Show!

Episode Creation Con 2011 on MP3


Our quick report on the trip to Creation Con in SF


It was kind of a mediocre con but we had a great time!!

A Kirk doll that looks like Bill!

The Gorn left a note for his fans!

The Spock puppet that scared me! From the JibJab guy!

Disrespectful but hilarious Mego doll!


The elevator buttons in the parking garage! WHUT?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oh hi, I'm William Shatner

What a pro! Shilling! Joking! Every take is different! Hilarious!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Talk Like William Shatner Day WINNER!

Congrats to the winner of the Talk Like William Shatner Day contest, as decided by Maurice LaMarche, who started the whole thing. This guy is great! I bet the voiceover offers start flooding in...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Bill!

To the one and only William Fucking Shatner:

We are, and shall always be, Your Butt Girls.

Happy 80th Bill!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Talk like Bill on His Birthday and Win!!

Can you talk like Bill? You can win this cool stuff from Thinkgeek.

I want that robe. Want. Robe. GOD, I wish we'd videotaped the Shatner warmups at Shatfest!

Contest info here.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bill Explains It All. In 1980.


Originally posted at Your Nice New Outfit. The comments are suitably outraged. The first one is:

Creation Con in SF! March 11-13

We will so be there! You should go too! Click over and buy your tickets!

Monday, March 07, 2011

Rise and Shine!

Thanks, Christopher.

If the video doesn't appear, click here.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Special Interview Show - Shatmoy 2010!

Episode Shatmoy Interviews on MP3

Finally, the last of the wonderful interviews from last year's Shatmoy celebration!

Interview with Margaret
Interview with Sean
Interview with Capn Ho


Saturday, March 05, 2011

Koon Ut Kalifee Wake-Up Call

Thanks to roving reporter Quvmoh, we are happy to report that the Star Trek Theme Song will be played on the current space shuttle mission among the wake-up music. As a bonus, the STS-133 Training Team requested an additional Star Trek song that was played to wake up the shuttle crew early this morning [March 4, 2011]: "The Ritual / Ancient Battle / 2nd Kroykah from Star Trek: Original Television Soundtrack".

How cool is that???

According to NASA, you can listen live to the Star Trek Theme Song wake-up call on March 7, 2011 at 2:23 AM (time zone? Duh...).

We're a little surprised they don't play the Cheesecloth Theme as their lullaby.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Gotta Love Bill's Sense of Humor

Ya just gotta!

Interview in the Seattle Times

And just in case you didn't know, Bill will be in Seattle this weekend.